Making Beautiful Moments a little more special
Boudoir Guide
Boudoir photo shoot tips to help you get the best images possible. This post will help you come up with a game plan of what to do and when to do it before your photo shoot. Following these recommendations will be invaluable to the overall quality of your final images.
For an incredible experience and ensuring amazing pictures it is about doing lots of little things that add up to one wonderful result. It may seem like a lot of work when you are coming to be spoiled, no worries! I’ve got you covered with this list of things to consider, and when you should do them leading up to your boudoir session.
Follow these recommendations to ensure you don't forget anything so you can show up to your session relaxed knowing you are prepared
Before your Session consider:
Shaving or waxing your body is optional and totally up to you. These tips will help you do it better if you’re currently having trouble with skin irritation or have never waxed before. Keep in mind that we are trying to get everything as close to perfect in camera as we possibly can. So if you don’t want hair somewhere you should remove it using your favorite method.
An optional choice to shave or wax your body. Here some tips will help you if you’re currently have skin irritation or have never waxed before. Naturally if you have done so before, stick to your methods
If opting to wax consider for best results you’ll need to let your hair grow out for 2-3 weeks before your waxing appointment. This allows the wax strip to better grab each hair and will lead to a more thorough, cleaner result. Ensure sufficient time for hair growth and healing time before your photo shoot.
Ideally do so 3-5 days before your session, allowing redness and irritation to subside before your photo shoot. Additionally if you’ve never waxed before, I’d strongly encourage you to do a test on yourself or try your professional of choice at least a couple weeks before your session to see how your skin reacts
Find a professional and follow yours esthetician’s after care instructions and tweak your process for what you find works best for you. Do not attempt as a night before effort before your session!
You most likely have your own routine for shaving that your’re already comfortable with. That said I still see too many women come in for their photo shoots with irritation, especially around sensitive areas like the bikini line and arm pits.
If you’re having a problem with irritation or ingrown hairs, herewith a few hints; Use the best razor your can. Soften your hair, via a warm shower or bath prior to shaving. Use liberal amounts of shaving cream or oil. Shave with the grain, against the grain is bad, with and perpendicular are okay. Moisturize after.
You should be able to shave the night before and be camera ready the following morning.
It is always a good idea to correct tan lines before your session. I can correct tan lines during editing. Note it can incur additional retouching fees depending on the severity and lead to a lower quality final result. Always best to get things right in camera when possible, so can enhance what we have as opposed to correct.
Talk with your tanning salon of choice to find out how long it will take to correct your lines and execute a plan to correct them based off of that. Indeed do leave enough time for your skin to heal after extreme UV exposure, reducing skin dryness and thus soften your skin texture for your final images
I’d rather you did not tan, but if you don’t want tan lines this is visually the best solution for the most even skin tones. The second best solution is to even out your tan lines with a spray tan.
Not all spray tans are created equal, do your best to find someone who knows what they do, with quality product
Spray tans can look really fantastic, IF applied correctly. Find a tech you really like for this and if you’ve never used a person before, it’s always smart to try them out at least 2 weeks before your photo shoot to make sure you like their work.
Hair Cut & Color
It’s a really smart idea to plan your session close to your hair cut and color appointment to take full advantage while everything is on point! The ideal time to get your hair cut and colored and your eyebrows shaped is 3-5 days before your session. This timing will give your brows time to heal and allow time for hair dye to fade from your scalp.
Resist the temptation to make drastic changes to your hair style right before your photo shoot. This can leave you devastated after all the planning and anticipation if you don’t love your new look. Go with what you know works, and experiment with the crazy new style sometime after your photo shoot
We have an excellent certified Hair Stylist - Nicki - who can take care of your hair and makeup right before your shoot
Please notify ahead so we can ensure to schedule the hair and or makeup session

The ideal time to do your nails is as close to your photo shoot as possible. 1-2 days before your session is a good rule of thumb. Scheduling your nail appointment super close to your session date will greatly minimize the chance that you’ll break or chip them before we have the chance to photograph you.
As for those drug store stick on nail things, leave those at home. They can look okay from way over there, but are pretty cringeworthy in close ups. If you want fancy nails, do it right and have them done by your local nail rock star of choice or invest the time to do a nice job yourself.
Take my word for it and don’t cut this corner. I’d much rather you come to your photo shoot with your nails left natural, then photograph you with a shoddy work around.
Lash extensions are the best option to consider if you want the fullest, most natural looking lashes. Individual extensions are glued to each of your existing lashes with this method.
These extensions are a HUGE upgrade for your close ups. That said lash extensions will make little if any difference for pull back shots such as full and half body portraits.
Regardless of whether you choose extensions or strips, either option is typically a big improvement over the choice to wear neither.
Again - Nicki - our in house stylist can take care of your extensions, please ensure availability at booking
Teeth Whitening
Teeth whitening is one of those easy things you can do with a pretty big upside if you’re self conscious about your smile. Now, although teeth whitening is part of my overall editing process, the benefits of a more brilliant smile is typically most useful as a psychological boost.
If you’re self conscious of your teeth you will be more reluctant to smile, and potentially have more closed off or shy body language.
One of the most common questions I’m asked by my clients is what they should wear to their boudoir photo shoot. To make things easy I’ve indexed this page by body region to help you select lingerie for particular area’s you’re sensitive or insecure about. By enhancing or diminishing these areas you will not only feel more confident for your photo shoot but your final imagery will turn out better as well.
SENSITIVE AREAS Tummy & Torso Lingerie Ideas
Far and away the most common area women worry about is their tummy area. The entire torso area is a concern for many plus size women and also very fit mothers who have stretch marks from their pregnancies. This area is so commonly worried about that I’d estimate somewhere between 70-80% of the women that come in to see me mention it at their consults. The good news here is there are a TON of sexy options to help you with this area! For women worried about their torso I recommend looking at the following styles of lingerie;
Corset: the corset will hide all of your sensitive areas while accentuating your feminine form.
Under Bust Corset: draws attention to your chest while simultaneously contouring your torso. This is the perfect solution for women worried about their tummy but who love their boobs!
Babydoll: Drawing attention to your chest and providing support, the babydoll is basically a flowy lingerie mini dress. Seriously effective tool every plus size women should consider.
Teddy: Sometimes called “body suits” these pieces show off your chest while shaping your overall form and giving your tummy cover. Very effective for all body types.
Chemise: Perfect for defining your body shape while ironing out torso imperfections. Great lingerie choice for mature women over 40 with tummy insecurities
High Waist Panties: One of my favorite ways to hide the pooch on the lower stomach while still showing some skin below the bra line. This is one of one of my go to tips for moms that get the lower ab separation and or stretch marks after childbirth.
Sweater: Sweater and your favorite pair of panties… Ummm yes please!
T-Shirt: Posed seductively and without a bra to attract attention to your chest, the humble t-shirt is often overlooked for things to bring. Make sure and opt for shirts with wide or low cut necks for more alluring poses.
Tank Top: Similar idea to the wide neck t-shirt, the tank top is a pretty great way to show off some side boob and downplay your torso
Romper: Popular beginning outfit for women with that boho style, just make sure to get a style that opens wide (like this rear zipper) for better opportunity as we work you out of your clothes.
Lace Gown: Lace gowns are practically witchcraft and something all women should consider for their photo shoots! Make sure and get one that’s tight and stretchy to accentuate your form. The pattern can be very effective at hiding skin imperfections while still being see though sexy
All of these options can draw attention away from the areas you’re worried about and still keep things sexy by still showing a lot of skin with the cut or the sheerness of the material. In most cases, even though the material might be super sheer, just having the material there in combination with the lighting and posing during your photo shoot is often more than enough to break up that area you’re worried about while still keeping things sexy.
Other options depending on your curves; Scarves, Push Up Bra, Bralette, Robes, Button Up shirt, Lace stockings,Fishnet Stockings,Thigh High Socks